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  • Rebecca Yadao

A Day in Boulder City and 13 Things

Holy bejeezus!

It feels like forever since I've written a life update! I honestly start to miss sharing about my mini adventures and what's new with this Becca-boo. Haha Yesterday I had written out this whole 13 things post and when I went to take a snack break. (Okay, my fifth snack break.) My computer decided to restart and my entire post was erased!! I couldn't help but be SO incredibly disappointed, that I needed ANOTHER snack break! 😂 Anyways, I went to bed and woke up this morning with the reassurance that everything happens for a reason and maybe todays post will be 100% better than what yesterdays was going to be.   

1. I am currently laying down surrounded by a mountain of laundry that has been growing at the edge of my bed for three days now! Laundry is one of my least favorite chores next to dishes and scrubbing toilets. Which sucks, because Nathaniel doesn't like doing them either. Who would have known?... What is your least favorite chore?  

2. The other night Nathaniel and I went to the theaters to watch Mama Mia 2 and it was spectacular! I walked out of there wide eyed with even more wonder in my heart than before! Also, an irresistible need to get a perm! My Mother is still currently trying to talk me out of that one... 

3. I'm am SO ready for fall! Stores are starting to bring out their Halloween decor. and sweaters and its starting to make me want to bundle up next to a fire while eating chocolate!  

4. Ahhh! I am SO excited to share with you guys that I will be going on a weeklong road trip to North Carolina with my friend Alana! (Shout out!) Her and her family are moving down there in a week and asked if I would be down to join her on the lonely road! I mean... HOW COULD I RESIST!! The drive will honestly only be like three of four days, but I decided to hang out there for a few more to see all that NC has to offer! 😄 Fingers crossed, it's a lot.  I just don't know whether I want to do a full blog post on the trip as a whole or if I want to do a play by play of how each day goes on the road. Maybe I'll do a poll about it on Instagram and Facebook? What do you guys think? 

5. Lately I have been taking vitamin A, Fem Rebalance (An all-natural women's hormone rebalancer.), and vitamin B12 religiously and I have to say the combination of these three have not only cleared my skin up, but have my nails growing so unbelievably fast and strong! Definitely wish I had these in high school.  


6. I have been really wanting to start video blogging, but every time I start to think about what I would vlog. I get all overwhelmed and flustered! Like what would I even vlog about? How many videos should I post a week? When is the best time to vlog? Who would even watch a weirdo like myself? If I do decide to vlog, comment below something you would want to watch? 

7. These last few weeks I have been feeling so unproductive. Which kills me, because I absolutely LOVE the feeling of getting things done. But I mean... who doesn't?  

8. Ooo... I know I already mentioned this on Insta., but I purchased a new book shelf the other day and I absolutely ADORE it! It was such a seemingly small change, but it ended up making such a huge difference! It made me want to redecorate my bathroom too! 

9.  Last month my Mother and I had decided that we were going to start the Keto diet. Which is a low carb, low protein, and high fat diet. In theory it seemed pretty easy, but for people like us whom pretty much live off of snacks and fruit... It made it a little more difficult.  Let's just say that I don't think that either of us has hit the "Ketosis stage" yet. Maybe next week... or month...

10. I restarted the 30 day yoga challenge and it just feels SO good! My absolute favorite videos to watch are on Youtube and called Yoga with Adriene. She has such a great outlook on life and an interesting sense of humor that I just can't help but adore! 

11.  I have been feeling a little low lately. So, I have decided to make a list of things that only make me happy. Which entails listening to music, blogging, hiking, taking pictures, and spending some uninterrupted time with my loved ones etc. Hopefully I can follow through with at least one of the things a day to remember why life is so magical.  

12. Next month Nathaniel and I have decided to go visit our friend Cody in Kansas City for a few days before he gets deployed to Kuwait. I heard there isn't much to do out there, but I'll make it my mission to find the beauty in the bland.  

13. I love you guys SO incredibly much and appreciate you taking the time out of your day to read this! Have an amaze-balls day! ☺️ 

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